photograph SAITO Sadamu
In this prosperous village of stone businesses and agriculture located in the Midwest of Ibaraki Prefecture, an exhibition that started from seven persons was held for the fifth time. We have been holding these exhibitions for eight years in various seasons, and it seems, we, the participating artists, have ballooned to as many as 45. Though we pay the expense of monthly meetings, participating and, of course, all things concerning our art works, we are increasing in number. It might be because we are compelled and fascinated with the power which this exhibition has.
We put each work in its respective place and observe the appearance of seasons passing. We exchange salutations with passers-by and have short conversations. These experiences cannot be tasted in art museums or galleries. Moreover, in frequent meetings artists criticize the works mutually, offer opinions, and spar over fine art and this exhibition. It is also the spirit as well as the pleasure of participation.
Without criticizing from an overly arrogant attitude about the present condition of fine art and society, in that place each participant is concerned with his or her own self and with reverently facing the nature before us. The mountain of this village is traced with lives to every nook and corner. Therefore, it does not accept a work of exaggerated style or cheap tricks. Each time we think that each of us is tested in this reality.
Checking our own steps, we want to continue following the trial footprints of the last eight years and searching for the whereabouts of the future steps in this small village.
31th October 2003
Executive committee of Amabiki Village and Sculpture