Documents of AMABIKI 2006
Provisional name: “What to Do about the Amabiki Group”
* Meeting to consider the next exhibition.
First General Meeting
* Confirming ideas about holding the event. 34 members in attendance (5 reserved judgment).
Second General Meeting
* Confirm participating artists, nominate new artists.
* Determine the Executive Committee chairman, deliberate on the exhibition period, the event name, and the installation locations.
Third General Meeting
* Adopt “Amabiki Village and Sculpture 2006” as the event name, with “AMABIKI 2006” as the official English title.
* Deliberate over installation sites (Haneda, Aoki, and Takamori districts)
Fourth General Meeting
* Inspection visit by all participants with the aim of formulating installation locations and venue routes.
* Deliberate over locations of reception area, rest areas, toilets, etc.
Cherry blossom viewing party after the meeting (at the old Amabiki Station).
Fifth General Meeting
* Coordinate desired locations for sculpture installations (First-choice candidates, overlapping installation sites, etc.).
* Desire to use roads (Mahoroba Park)
* Submit desired site questionnaires (Landowner confirmation).
Sixth General Meeting
* Checks leading up to determining installation locations. (Landowner confirmations, requests for assistance from community heads).
*Determine officers and managers for various tasks in the Executive Committee
* Explain preparing an English-language website.
Seventh General Meeting
* Explanatory meetings for district heads and contacts to landowners.
* Proposals for posters and fliers etc., selecting a designer.
* Confirm the mailing list and deliberate over events.
Eighth General Meeting
* Deliberate over events (open forum “Village conference”, bus tours, exhibition of small size sculpture, etc.).
Ninth General Meeting
* Changes and reshuffles of city hall staff involved with the event due to the municipal merger.
* Decision to hold the small size sculpture exhibition (at Gallery SEIHO).
* The bus tour and opening.
* Inspect the venue tour route, confirm precautionary points (overall length 15km, approximately three hours).
Tenth General Meeting
* Use of riverside land (Overlap with water intake seasons and the risks of inundation).
* Determine the rest area (Yamato Station).
* Nominate new artists (permitted in exceptional cases).
* Deliberate over the bus tour, loaned bicycles, (Free rented bicycle) volunteers etc.
Eleventh General Meeting
* Use of riverside land (report from the city hall).
* Check manuscripts for posters and fliers (maps and names used in them).
* Determine “Planning Exhibition of AMABIKI 2006” as the subtitle for the small size sculpture exhibition.
– Reports from the various officers on subsidies, sponsorship, collaboration, publicity, volunteers, reception, signage plans, press, comments, and other aspects.
Twelfth General Meeting
* Proposal on the “2008 National Culture Festival” from the city culture section.
* Checking poster and flier manuscripts (1,000 posters, 6,000 DMs, 5,000 envelopes, 2,000 fliers).
Explanations from the relevant managers for the reception desk staff schedule, the photographic record of the works, moving pieces to and from their sites, venue signage, and other issues.
Thirteenth General Meeting
* Work to prepare sending out printed matter (posters, fliers, DMs etc.).
* Deadline for submission of “Comments from the artists”.
* Manufacture notice boards and signage etc.
* Reports and explanation from the relevant managers concerning subscription to insurance, financial statement reporting, reception schedule and venue management.
Start operation at the venue, start delivery and installation of works.
Install works using large cranes (25t, 8t).
Staging Amabiki Village and Sculpture
Opening ceremony 15:00 (Yamato Community Center CITRUS).
Opening party 16:00 (Sakuragawa municipal Ikoinoie building).
“Yamato Nade Shikoan” staffed by volunteers (Yamato Station).
Buckwheat noodle (soba) demonstration and sale by the Handmade Soba Appreciation Society, a voluntary group “Teuchi-Soba-Daisuki-kai” (Aoki Village Center).
Newspaper and TV reporting, art lover, etc.
First bus tour 10:40-16:00, 37 guests.
Cherry blossom viewing party after the bus tour (at the old Amabiki Station).
Satellite event plan “From AMABIKI” (Planning Exhibition of AMABIKI 2006).
(Gallery SEIHO, Ginza, Tokyo)
Second bus tour 10:40-16:00, two buses, 50 guests.
Fourteenth General Meeting
* Request to participate in and deliberate on “2008 National Culture Festival” from the city culture section.
* Confirm the pictorial record (photographs, layout, comments, introductory greeting).
* Confirm duration of insurance, with reference to the removal of works, posters, and signs.
Closing of AMABIKI 2006, Acknowledgements meeting and sendoff party (Amabiki Welfare Center)
Clear venues, start removing works, start editing the photographic record.
Fifteenth General Meeting
* Checking and correcting the photographic record.
Sixteenth General Meeting
* Preparing to send the photographic record, sending the photographic record.
Membership of the Executive Committee for AMABIKI 2006
In October 2004, the participating artists from the fifth exhibition got together to form the “What to Do about the Amabiki Group” (provisional name), and began by thinking about whether there should be another exhibition.
Up to the fifth exhibition, it had been a biennial (alternate year) event held in the former Yamato village, but with the merger of Yamato village, Makabe town, and Iwase town in October 2005 to form the new city of Sakuragawa, we decided to wait two years before the next exhibition. The name of the event was changed from “The XX Amabiki Village and Sculpture” to AMABIKI 2006.”
The executive committee approach previously used for planning, execution, and operation was left in place, with the 44 participating artists forming an executive operating committee for that purpose. Committee general meetings (meetings of all participating artists) were held almost every month as the decision-making body. These meetings pursued deliberations towards the exhibition, with the cooperation of the former Yamato village planning section, and the tourism and commerce section and culture promotion sections of the Sakuragawa city government.
Executive committee 43 participating artists and one group
Executive committee managers:
AMABIKI 2006 took place through the below division of labor.
Executive Committee chairman / Secretariat / Accounting / Moderator / Secretary / PR / Subsidies / Press / Website / Poster and flier records/ Venues / Sculpture delivery and removal / Sign planning and installation / Captions / Information center management / Comments/ Opening / Reception / Bus tours / Volunteers / Venue management (security) / Social events / Sketch exhibition / Photographic record / Information management / Municipal Publication manager.