Documents of the 5th Exhibition

The Fifth Amabiki Village and Sculpture – Document

25th August 2002 (Sunday)
First General Meeting
* Fifth Amabiki Village and Sculpture Executive Committee formed.
* Operating Committee also formed.
* Viewing of planned exhibition area.

10th November 2002 (Sunday)
Second General Meeting
* Officers and managers determined.
* Collection of participation fees.

8th December 2002 (Sunday)
Third General Meeting
* Consideration of sculpture installation locations.
Determination of designers for posters, diagrams, sign planning etc.
Status reports from officers.

26th January 2003 (Sunday)
Fourth General Meeting
* Consideration of installation locations.
Search for landowners of the sculpture installation locations, with district leaders in attendance.
Consideration of plans by officers.

23rd February 2003 (Sunday)
Fifth General Meeting
* Consideration and determination of installation locations.
* Consideration of events etc.
* Proposals etc. from the venue management officer and volunteer officer.

23rd March 2003 (Sunday)
Sixth General Meeting
* Consideration of the design and content of posters and flyers.
* Determination of the exhibition viewing route.

13th April 2003 (Sunday)
Seventh General Meeting
* Consideration of the design and content of posters and flyers.
* Submission of written reports and budgets from officers.

25th May 2003 (Sunday)
Eighth General Meeting
* Coordination of the design and content of posters, flyers and DM.
* Consultation on exhibitions of sketches, events etc.

22nd June 2003 (Sunday)
Ninth General Meeting
* Posters, flyers and DM determined.
* Venue signs, captions, notice boards etc. considered, including budgets.
* Consultation on exhibitions of sketches, artists’ comments, and installation of works.

20th July 2003 (Sunday)
Tenth General Meeting
Posters and DMs etc. sent out.

3rd August 2003 (Sunday)
Eleventh General Meeting
Gathering of data close to the viewing route, for drafting a detailed map.

8th August (Friday) to 20th August (Wednesday) 2003
Venue opening and sculpture delivery period.

18th August (Monday) – 30th August (Saturday) 2003
Related event “To Amabiki” staged (Gallery SEIHO, Ginza, Tokyo).
Planning and sketch exhibition, leading to the main exhibition.

21st August 2003 (Thursday)
Installation of signposts and building the information center.

23rd August 2003 (Saturday)
The opening of the Fifth Exhibition of Amabiki Village and Sculpture
Opening ceremony (Yamato Contact Center Citrus).

24th August (Sunday) – 3rd November (Sunday)
“Yamato Nadeshiko An” opened, staffed by volunteers.
Demonstrations of soba noodle making by the Handmade Soba Appreciation Society (at community centers around the exhibition area).

7th September 2003 (Sunday)
Bus tour No. 1 (10:30-17:00).

25th September 2003 (Thursday)
* Reporting by NHK Mito office, to be broadcast on “Itto 6 ken” on 16th October.

4th October (Saturday) – 6th October (Monday) 2003
Guiding the members of the Yamato Summit (summit meeting between municipalities bearing the name “Yamato”).

3rd October 2003 (Monday)
Bus tour No. 2 (10:30-17:00).

12th October 2003 (Thursday)
Moon-viewing party (Yamato village Ikoinoie Building).

2nd November 2003 (Sunday)
Countryside meeting “Amabiki Village and Sculpture – Its efforts and rewards” (Citrus).
Exhibition gratitude party and closing party (Amabiki Welfare Center).

3rd November 2003 (Sunday)
Exhibition closed.

4th November 2003 (Monday)
Start of removal of sculptures.

5th November 2003 (Tuesday)
Start of catalog production.

21st December 2003 (Sunday)
Twelfth General Meeting
Catalog correction.

February 2004
Thirteenth General Meeting
Catalog sent out.

The Membership of the Executive Committee for the Fifth Amabiki Village and Sculpture

As in previous years, the executive committee for the Fifth Amabiki Village and Sculpture includes all the participating artists, and officers are chosen for various aspects of planning and running the exhibition, to share out the tasks.
The number of participating artists grew to 45 for the fifth exhibition, and the number of officers grew as exhibition-related tasks were more narrowly subdivided. Officers included representatives who were able to assign tasks at any time to any member who appears to have time to spare.
The operating committee system introduced in the fourth exhibition (in which neighboring artists get together to discuss urgent issues in preparation for the next general meeting) is continued without change, and all participants worked together to prepare for and run the exhibition.

Executive Committee: All 45 participating artists.


The Fifth Amabiki Village and Sculpture was run with the work divided between the executive committee chairman, operating committee, secretariat, countryside meeting officer, events officer, information center reception officer, information center construction officer, opening ceremony officer, accounts officer, venue officer, venue management and security officer, video recording officer, captions officer, support and sponsorship officer, PR officer, comments officer, round table officer, sign planning officer, sign installation officer, sketch exhibition officer, clerical officer, subsidies officer, bus tour officer, sculpture installation and removal officer, posters, flyers and diagrams officer, homepage officer, volunteer officer, and village reporting officer.