Message of the Second Amabiki Village and Sculpture

In the spring of 1996,
a group of sculptors having worked on
stone at Yamato village held an exhibition
"Amabiki Village and Sculpture" with the aim to
recognize again the rural scenery.
Succeeding the concept of the 1st exhibition,
we started to make a plan
for the 2nd exhibition in autumn 1997
with the participation of
not only stone sculptors
but also artist of various genres.
Such a difficult condition to bear all expenses
for the exhibition didn't shrink artists
from participating.
And 27 of them accepted it
and we began to from the exhibition.
Having held several conferences
with participants,
public officials of Yamato village
and chiefs of wards,
artists looked around the grounds
to find out suitable location for their works.
And after fiding the location out,
artists directly asked land owners
to obtain permission.
Concerning printed posters and
invitations cards, designer and printer
helped to collaborated with us.
Finally, we could realise
the "2nd Amabiki Village and Sculpture".
Our combined energies to build up
this exhibition and through the sculptures
playing a part of the rural scene of Amabiki.
that people would start to reconsider
the cultural situation of Japan.

Executive Committee of
Amabiki Village and Sculpture