Stainless steel
48×320×42 cm (×3P)
100 kg (1P)
Stainless steel
48×320×42 cm (×3P)
100 kg (1P)
136×185×105 cm
3000 kg
I installed a private fountain, to limit one of the fundamental drives of the various plants in this place. I started last year when I saw kudzu vines completely covering everything like a dynamic membrane.
Wood, Bamboo, Grass, Mud
50×50 m
In the case of good group work, the artwork is able to have a power to move people. When every member of the group, full of energy, do their best at their own position, the power becomes huge which is far beyond the one artist can do.
230×1000×160 cm
300 kg
I chose a place where land and water come together. The surface of the water changes in many ways with clear weather, cloud, rain, strong winds, downpours and sun, and energy aggregates and vibrates at the waterside. I wanted to build something to prove the existence of that energy.
Iron, Sand
600×720×130 cm
60×170×60 cm
800 kg
80×80×170 cm
600 kg
Stainless steel
150×180×300 cm
50 kg
105×265×72 cm
500 kg
UNIT 2003 W.B.M
White granite, Black granite, Marble
18×34×200 cm (×3P)
Weeds were growing on the land, and various old utensils were scattered around the barn. The inside of the storehouse had grown into a bamboo grove.
I placed my UNIT in this space, which had lost its owner.
Gelatin silver print, Acryl, Aluminum, Stainless steel
2×106×180 cm
Black granite
132.5×85×100 cm
700×200×160 cm
2000 kg
Iron (H-type steel)
30×1400×90 cm
2550 kg
300×50×150 cm
600 kg
White granite
300×1000×30 cm
5000 kg
140×170×110 cm
2500 kg
When I think about beginnings and ends of things, I’m keen to know where I am right now. While all sorts of thoughts turn over and over, like human evolution, the future of the earth and my own life, I can gain peace of mind by encapsulating the current point in time in Amabiki.
2600×45×30 cm
Going through Amabiki Village, one notices the large and small shrines all around. Entering a shrine, one is isolated from the hubbub of the everyday and enfolded in an extraordinary tranquility. That is a thousand-year memory that will be inscribed within me, a moment called into being across time and space. The human world and the realm of the gods are revealed in an arrow-straight road existing as a link between this bank and the other side.
Wood, L-steel
504×504×20 cm
1500 kg
Sand stone, Concrete
280×180×32 cm
80×30×50 cm (×2P)
400 kg (1P)
I tried placed guardian dogs by a lonely-looking shrine, taking a hint from the English letters “U” and “N”.
It feels something like “this shrine is under our protection”.
80×100×60 cm
1030 kg
5P. Size and weight are about the largest stone.
“Stone as the object of speculation”
While I walked round and round a stone, I noticed that what I wanted to check was not just the inside and the surface of the stone, but also what was around it. I thought I wanted to look out from inside the stone at the changing seasons, and at the expressions of the scenery and the people.
Plaster, Wood, Cement, Stone, Tinplate, Iron
1000×1000×180 cm (8P)
900 kg (8P)
If I take a really good look at the society I am involved with, particularly artistic society, I find many things that are interesting. I’m going to think about the title. Its fun to think that if the “characters” of the title are the work, or if the “thing” that was the work becomes the title, the distinction between them will disappear.
Acacia, Oak, Magnolia
270×280×500 cm
1500 kg
A stage of chair on the open land in Ohkunitama of Yamato Village. I am drawn by trees as material, and I have spent a long time using the methods of sculpture? carving, cutting, polishing, assembling, forming and so on? to express their fate in sculptures. But I should add planting to that list of tasks. I really want this relationship to be a beautiful one.
White granite
92×96×132 cm
3150 kg
380×400×35 cm
1000 kg
100×350×84 cm
1800 kg
Black granite, Concrete, Iron
120×90×111 cm
2700 kg
135×96×96 cm
1500 kg
Humans are living beings who learn. We don’t expect to suffer by committing the same mistake twice. In whatever we do, we achieve dramatic improvements. Humans are creatures who learn. Or so you’d think? ? ?.
* “IV” in the art work name means the fourth of the Roman numerals.
145×60×183 cm
2000 kg
* “II” in the art work name means the second of the Roman numerals.
White granite
85×320×235 cm
4000 kg
110×210×140 cm 80 kg
90×90×90 cm 30 kg
Something happened.
35×200×90 cm
60×90×40 cm
People offer one another raw walnuts in Germany at the start of fall. I brought a few uneaten ones home and planted them in the garden beside my studio. The following year, after I had forgotten about them, some shoots came up that looked right. When I had forgotten again, I glanced there and saw half the hard walnut shell rolling around at the bottom of the stalk. I borrowed the strength of the giant zelkova tree to express the form of that bud.
Stones in 140 bags, 400 trees of the acorn
20×30×0.5 m
about 4.2t
I thought the creation of this sculpture should mainly consist of digging stones out of the fields. I made my relationship with that place one of finding my time and materials there, and then spending them there. Rather than using the stones and objects (a seedling from an acorn) I dug up as materials for a sculpture, I thought I could use their appearance itself, and the act of having dug them up, as the form. Apparently acorns grow by about this much a year.
Log, Brick, Steel pipe
400×400×1200 cm
3000 kg
I always start my work by getting a read on the atmosphere of the place.
I’d like to put something up in one corner of a copse with Mt. Tsukuba in the background in the misty distance to draw the spirit of heaven to earth.
My sculpture could be an object drawing the spirit of heaven near, like the weather of Amabiki (literally “Rain-Drawing) Village.
I want to make a tower-shaped sculpture with the image of gathering rain.
My hope is to have some big thing here, something that can be sensed by not seen.
Bronze, Stone
80×80×250 cm
1500 kg
Since childhood, I have liked to go into the woods to play. When I walk round the forest, I sometimes see natural sculptures formed over years by sun, wind and water, and I am always amazed by their weird shapes. This piece is formed by nature, with just a little input from me.
White granite
112×129×111 cm
1700 kg
Black granite
90×90×90 cm
about 400 kg
156×180×185 cm 500 kg
90×130×156 cm 350 kg
A rusted, empty can tells of time and space that once came to a halt. This is a pig barn, like an alien space, which I found in Amabiki. In this place, where even life stopped and silence continued, I dig out a new time and space, and secretively create movement.
Aluminum, Stainless steel
15-20×15-30×10(h)cm (×60P)
0.47kg (1P)
Leaving the path through the rice fields and moving into the copse, a strange feeling came over me that it would go on forever. Surrounded by trees, as if I had seen something frightening, part of me wanted to go deeper into the heart of the forest. I placed 60 pieces, all variations on a form comprising three square aluminum pipes, dotted among the trees. To move around the forest, in a dialog with its trees. They became rather like little houses atop the trees.
255×230×135 cm
900 kg
Black granite
17×87×232 cm
Iron, Lava, Wire rope
450×450×760 cm
2500 kg
The space inside the arch of a crescent moon has a mystical attraction.
Suspending a meteorite (lava) in that space and reflecting the drama of space in a calm water surface added to the appeal of that environment.
Wood, Stainless steel, Manila-hemp rope, Carbon steel
120×120×400 cm 2500 kg
120×490×145 cm 2200 kg
Installation size changeable
The day I first visited this place, I felt it was an isolated space, despite the bright and open lie of the land. Standing on a road between fallow fields and a bamboo grove, I noticed that all I could see in the distance were the mountains far beyond, and the blue sky. In that moment I had an intense illusion of being surrounded by these cultivated hillsides. I thought “I want to make sculptures here”.
Black granite
180×130×120 cm
I want to hold in my memory the fact that there were two stones in this place in Yamato Village.