Saturday, August 23, – Monday, November 3, 2003
Organizer : Executive Committee of Amabiki Village and Sculpture
Place : District of Fukuizumi, Nakamaruki, Kanashiki, Maehara and Okunitama, Yamato-mura, Makabe-gun, IBARAKI
Hulls of the moon
Heaven to Earth … water’s edge 2003
Green Domes
water meets land
The Japanese nuclear armament
“trans -“
Ring · Ring · Ring
Absorbed filtered sunlight
UNIT 2003 W.B.M
Falling Water-Kanba no Taki Fall
The alley like a maze
Tsuki-iro no toki
It is or not
Seal of the time
A Way Toward the Sacred Place
Color of the wind in the mid stream of memory
Work 03-84
Weighing the Earth (USHIRONOSHYOUMEN)
Ama Cyo To Sato Biki No Koku
Stage of Gods
Hyousou to Kyoukai
Where dose this wind blow?
Slit in cube
Dawn-II · RUTEN (All things are in state of flux)
Pieces and radius of graind stone
One day, on one occacion
Figure of plants
The Tower of Amabiki
Stone Like Frame-DEPTH
After That 03-08
3 (or like a small tree-house)
Heat haze
Latent Spirits of Trees In The Village
Two large stones
参加作家 44作家・1グループ Artists : 44artists and 1group
写真:斎藤さだむ Photographs : SAITO Sadamu
Opening party:
15:00- Saturday, August 23,
Place: Community Center “Yamato-fureai-center CITRUS”
Sculpture tour by bus:
10:30-17:00 Sunday, September 7,
10:30-17:00 Holiday Monday, October 13,
Open forum “Village meeting”:
13:30- Sunday, November 2,
Place: Hall of Community Center “Yamato-fureai-center CITRUS”
Slide lecture and Discussion “The attempt and harvest of Amabiki Village and Sculpture”
Related plan:
To AMABIKI “Exhibition of samll works and presentation by participating artists for main exhibition”:
Period: 11:00-19:00 Monday, August 18, – Saturday, 30, 2003. (close on Sunday)
Place: Gallery SEIHO
8-10-7 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061. Tel. 03-3573-2468
Event by the volunteer:
Yamato Nade Shikoan:
Service of rest and tea, guide-service of route and sales of local vegetables.
Each Sunday during period, and Monday, October 3,
Demonstration and sales of soba noodle of volunteer group “Teuchi-soba-daisuki-kai”:
(Soba is Japanese traditional noodle made from mainly buckwheat.)
Each Sunday during period; excluded October 12,
Yamato Village, Yamato Village Board of Education, Ibaraki Prefecture Government, Ibaraki Prefectural Board of Education, The Ibaraki Shimbun Co.,Ltd., The Joyo Geibun Center and NHK Mito broadcasting Station
A department of Stone in chamber of commerce and industry of Yamato
Ministry of Construction, TAKAHASHI Akira, ADACHI Yoshio, EDA Mamoru, OHTA Ryosei, ISHIZUKA Tama, ISHIZUKA Hiroshi, TAKANIWA Akira, TSUKADA Motoo, ADACHI Masaru, IIJIMA Sueo, ADACHI Iwao, MASUDA Rikiichi, KAKUTA Saburo, KATORI Shinto shrine, SUZUKI Motoichi, Ohkunitama Shinto shrine, YABE Kisaburo, AIZAWA Hajime, INO Kazuo, MASUDA Hajime, KANASHIKI Yoshihisa, NAKAGAWA Fusaichiro, MIYATA Yasuo, ADACHI Yoshio, TAKEDA Fusao, NAGASHIMA Motoichi, FUJINO Kiyonori, KANASHIKI Tanzo, INO Kazuhiko, KAKUTA Haruo, YABE Minoru, SHIOYA Toshiyuki, OHTA Yoshio, TAKAHASHI Shigeo, OHBAYASHI Shingo, SHIMIZU Takatoshi* and SATO Manjiro
Head of district:
YABE Kisaburo, ADACHI Isao, SUZUKI Koichi, SUZUKI Yoshio, OHTSUKA Ryo, INO Hayashi and HIROSE Yutaka
Japan Arts Fund
Yamato Nade Shikoan:
ICHIKI Toshiko, SATO Sadako, TANAKA Yukie, TSUKADA Tomoe, FUJITA Mitsui, MASUBUCHI Fumie, YUGE Kazuhiro, YUGE Momoyo and YUGE Yoshiko
Volunteer group “Teuchi-soba-daisuki-kai”:
SUZUKI Cyugo, HIROSAWA Shiro, FUKAYA Syoue, OHWADA Yutaka, BIZAWA Bunichiro, INO Hayashi, TAKAMATSU Shinpei, HIROSAWA Yoichi, YASUNO Moriya, INO Jyun, KAKUTA Koichi, TAKAHASHI Kei, NAKAGAWA Genichi, TANAKA Hiroshi, MASUBUCHI Sakae, OGAWA Hiroshi, ABETA Osamu, SUZUKI Sadao, OJIMA Mitsuo, FUJITA Isao, YANAKA Kaoru, YANAKA Hisashi, HIROSAWA Umeo, SUZUKI Umeo, SEKI Yoko, TSUKADA Tomoe, OGAWA Yoshiko, KATSUTA Yoshiko, KINORO Noriko, DAITA Mitsue, MIYAMOTO Tamiko, ITO Shizue and HIZAWA Fujiko
Sculpture tour by bus:
YUGE Kazuhiro and TANAKA Katsunori
Lecturer of nature observation:
KOSUGE Tsugio, YASU Masami and ISHII Syozo (Environmental adviser of Ibaraki prefecture)
Catalogue of The 5th Exhibition of Amabiki Village and Sculpture
Published by : Executive Committee of Amabiki Village and Sculpture
c/o The planning section of Yamato village office
1023 Ohaza-haneda Yamato-mura Makabe-gun IBARAKI 309-1293 JAPAN
Tel. 0296-58-5111 Fax. 0296-58-7456
as of December 2003
Edited by : Executive Committee of Amabiki Village and Sculpture
Designed by : TANAKA Sayoko
Printed by : GRAPH Co., Ltd.
Photographs by : SAITO Sadamu
Date of Publication/December 2003
Copyright of this catalogue is retained by Executive Committee of Amabiki Village and Sculpture © 2003.
Copyright of the photographs contained in this catalogue are retained by the photographers who took them.
We would like to express our deepest appreciation to newspapers and broadcasters, many people and organizations for its generous support as well as to all the other above-mentioned individuals, who helped make the Exhibition of Amabiki Village and Sculpture the great success.